A tragedy by:
Almero Steyn
Who goes by the Tweet name of:
Gather close, all ye with courage.
For today's tale is fraught with misadventure.
Meet our heroic developer...
...who, on a warm sunny day,
finds the wonderful world
of coding...
...a world where droves
of good tooling abound.
From this treasure our hero selects <Fancy Tags>...
...a tool so powerful,
that an abundance of websites
appear in no time at all!
Until the day they hear a rumour
that many cannot use their sites!
Our hero is not hindered,
they will learn about
this accessibility magic!
So they scour the digital lands
from east to west...
...but there is little to find...
information relating to
<FancyTags />.
So they turn to the great Oracle of Tweet...
...and ask.
"How can I make accessible magic
with <FancyTags />?"
Then the Oracle speaks, with great condemnation...
"Thou should already knowest this!"
"Only on a site of
The Great Static HTML
is accessibility to be found"
"Thy framework is not accessible! Thine quest is doomed to fail!"
Our hero is crushed.
This cannot be!
"All my training cannot be for nothing!"
"All my peers do not speak false!"
"It is this accessibility magic
that is false!"
"I shall not be thwarted, I shall continue on the path I know!"
And so our hero returns to the beginning of this misadventure...
with accessibility doomed to die.
... FIN ...
...technology inclusion.
"You cannot call yourself a web developer if you only do CSS-in-JS and don't know the CSS cascade!" - The CSS crowd
"Oh really? I don't even want to learn your archaic knowledge anyway, we work with the real web technologies!" - The JS crowd
"How can you say that my knowledge does not matter?"- The CSS crowd
"How can you say that my knowledge does not matter?" - The JS crowd
No one likes to hear that their knowledge is irrelevant.
When in defend-mode people stop working towards a mutually beneficial solution.
Developers need real solutions for real problems.
are only gaining traction!
Between 2018-01-01 and 2018-06-30
Package | Downloads |
react | 55,086,126 |
@angular/core | 18,205,159 |
angular | 8,385,672 |
vue | 8,195,084 |
There has been a steady increase in downloads for the front-end frameworks over the past two years.
Facebook, NPM, AirBNB, IMDb, Instagram, Netflix, Paypal, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter Mobile, Udemy, Vevo, Walmart, Wix, Yahoo, Wordpress Gutenberg and many, many more!
Facebook, Netflix, Adobe, Alibaba, EuroNews, Grammarly, GitLab and growing fast!
GMail, Google Ads, Google Cloud, Google Pay, PayPal, FitBit, LEGO, ABC News, SanDisk, American Red Cross, UPS, The Guardian and lots more!
If we can say that an example is inaccessible we already know why. Don't just tweet, create a PR too.
When we write a post about something being broken, let's show how it can be fixed.
Build accessible examples or help library builders.
Are we too quickly saying that "Accessibility is easy"?
Alas, we can only control our own words.
1 (function () {
2 var tablist =
3 document.querySelectorAll('[role="tablist"]')[0];
4 var tabs;
5 var panels;
6 var delay = determineDelay();
//Lots more code
251 if (target === focused) {
252 activateTab(target, false);
253 };
254 };
255 }());
function generateArrays () {
tabs = document.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"]');
panels = document.querySelectorAll('[role="tabpanel"]');
var key = event.keyCode;
alert('Soooo deprecated!');
<Tabs.Tab title="Panel 1">
<p>You are on panel 1.</p>
<Tabs.Tab title="Panel 2">
<p>You are one panel 2.</p>
<Tabs.Tab title="Panel 3">
<p>You are on panel 3.</p>
Brought to you by:
Almero Steyn
Who goes by the Tweet name of:
And shares this visual magic on: